We recently decided that it was time to take a new family photo! With Helena as the photographer, and a set of matching outfits that Dad and Mom Howe gave us last year, we transformed a very busy Monday Market morning into a family photo session! This first one is what we chose to go on our new prayer card, and the rest. . . well, we liked them so much we though that we would just share them with you all too!
The Wengers Gordon and Betsie,
Elisabeth 6, Susanna 4, Samuel 2, and Isaiah 6 months
Samuel LOVES his little brother - and happily, Isaiah is such a happy, sociable little fellow that he returns his brothers love right back again!
Helena busily sweeping our dirt floor while carrying Isaiah. He loves to be where the action is!
Becka diligently washing laundry - a task she spent a couple hours on for us every day!
"Whistle while you work" was an unspoken motto of hers. We are going to really miss these two cheerful, hardworking sisters that have blessed our home for nearly half a year! They leave on Thursday, the 27th.
This is a nearly daily picture at our home, as Gordon loads op the motorcycle and heads out in many different directions to preach the Word of God. The pick handle that you see sticking out of the back of the motorcycle tells the story, that to get an audience among the hardworking Quechuas here, one often works alongside his listener for a few hours before bringing out the Bible.
Susanna, our animal lover, recently made a pet out of one of the baby guinea pigs that we raise to sell. (People here raise guinea pigs to eat them, but we find that it suits all of us just fine to sell them rather than eat them ourselves!) Susanna named this gp "Blackie-whitey" but calls it "Blackie" for short. Here she is explaining that her pet likes to eat the Alfalfa she is holding.
Here is a sweet picture of all three of the children enjoying some of our most recent litters of guinea pigs. Samuel has to be watched closely - he squeezed this little one hard enough to make it go limp, then handed it to me saying, "All done hold guinea pig!" I was horrified, and laid it in my lap, and we prayed that God would "fix" the guinea pig if it was His will. God did revive it - it looked miraculous to me! Then Samuel went around saying, "God can fix mine guinea pig!!" I said, "You are right Samuel, only God can fix a guinea pig like that!" Samuel studied me, then said, "God did fix mine guinea pig. But Papa can fix guinea pigs too!" :) He sure looks up to his Papa!
My girls surprised me one day by, "making me lunch!" They made fruit salad by themselves, then picked flowers to adorn my salad! What a special treat! (I asked if they minded if I added some potatoes and cheese to the "lunch" they had made - and they didn't mind!) Sweet sisters!