Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Praise God with us! Yeasterday Daniel and Maria got married! And today we had our first comunion service with them. What a privalige and blessing. Photos to follow.


Anonymous said...

Hallelujah!!! Glory to God in the Highest, the long awaited wedding had taken place and we are all rejoicing with Daniel and Maria and Gordon and Betsie!!! Thank you for sharing the photos we will post them at home and church. WE are SO EXCITED!!!! -Don and Vickie

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! May many more be inspired to follow their example, and may His Kingdomm continue to gain strength in Chumbivilcas! -The Peacheys

Anonymous said...

What an answer to prayer!! That is wonderful that they were finally able to get married! Praise the Lord!