Thursday, April 15, 2010

Isaiah's first teeth and other Fall (March) snapshots

These 3 are photos of us on the road waiting/hoping for a vehicle to take us to Tacllapampa for a Sunday service.
Elisabeth loves picking flowers.
Samuel and Susanna playing on the path (steep mountain trail)
Here we are, waiting, with a nice view of town-Susanna's dog, Monkey, came along!
While Gordon was in Cusco, we had an Indian finger meal, with yellow rice and plain yogurt. Isaiah got really messy.
Sweet Isaiah David, 13 months old.
Here you can see his first teeth. Unlike the other children, his first tooth came in on top. Family puzzle time-Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Wenger!
Susanna and Samuel really liked having the 25 piece one they could do. Elisabeth really enjoys the 100 piece ones. Gordon loves to help.
Betsie really enjoys her litle herb/flower garden. We also get a good bit of lettuce out of it each year.
Thanks Sister Judy. The Cosmos and everything you sent are doing great.

1 comment:

Martin Family said...

Betsie, your herb garden is so pretty!!! I like the way you have that stump and those rocks fixed in it. Your arrangement of everything is just lovely.